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How these Long Island Massage Therapists Doubled their First Quarter Income

With Rebecca de Azevedo LMT (Utah)

Our names are Emily Lehecka and Desiree Price and we own Intuitive Therapeutic Massage of Long Island. We faced many challenges before joining the academy. We were using Groupons that were unsuccessful, not making a lot of money, exhausted all the time, had no strategic plan, and didn’t know our worth in business. 

The moment that we realized this was the best decision for us was when we saw the amount of information being provided. Rebekah encouraged us to take the time to learn the information so that it would have the best benefit for our business. 

Our experience in the academy allowed us to open our eyes to a lot of things within ourselves. It helped to improve our mindset. We discovered that business spawns from an excellent mindset and learning how to problem-solve will help us adapt within our business. 

We believe that the academy was worth the investment because we have doubled what we had made in our first quarter. We recommend the academy to anyone struggling. Rebekah provides tools to learn and improve for every area of business. We think that this program is best for those first coming out of school so that there is no room to learn any bad habits.

Are you interested in changing your business by joining an amazing academy? Reach out to learn more about the Rock Your Massage Practice Academy..


Rock Your Massage Practice Academy with Rebecca de Azevedo, LMT, Business Mentor and Coach for Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers.

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Rock Your Massage Practice Academy, LLC.