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YAY! You found me!

I'm Rebecca de Azevedo Overson, and I am on a mission to help massage therapists SUCCEED in business for themselves.

As an LMT since 1995, I've had plenty of failures on the road to success.

I want you to know: You don't have to struggle to figure out what it takes to have a successful massage practice of your own.

I've figured it out, I've made the mistakes so you don't have to.

Curious to learn more about how I do that? Click here

I offer an 8-week, high-level Mentoring Program for massage therapists who are serious about success. I've coached hundreds of massage therapists around the world to reach unprecedented levels of success in their practices!

Stuck? Don't know where to start?

Please click the button below to get my FREE exclusive 45-min training for massage therapists who want to build a thriving practice of their own.

Also – if you want to connect and get my advice for free – Join my free practice building facebook group: The Art of Building a Successful Massage Practice. There are 12,000+ massage therapists just like you, in a very supportive community. See you there!