My name is Jaaidin Andersen and I own Finger Lakes Massage Therapy in Geneva, New York. I attended the Rock Your Massage Practice Academy at the end of 2021. Before the academy, I was doing okay but I was trying to seek out a coaching program. The Rock Your Massage Practice Academy provided me with so much information that was beyond valuable. I have even gone back and redone certain lessons to grasp the information fully. This knowledge has helped me to move forward and move past obstacles that would have caused me issues before. I quit the spa that I was working at and decided to practice on my own. The Rock Your Massage Practice Academy was worth the investment because I ended the training with more than double what I had in my bank account before. I would recommend this to any massage therapist who is interested in growing their skills and business.
Are you ready to reap the same benefits that I gained and start improving your business and mindset? Click here to set up a call with Rebecca's team!