There are a few reasons why Groupon can cause difficulties when building your practice.
- Niching – When you run a Groupon, it can be challenging to isolate your marketing efforts to just your ideal clients. Why sell discounted services to people who you might not be able to help?
- Deal Seekers – In general, people visit deal sites because they're looking for a deal, not because they want a new, frequent, premium-priced massage therapist with a clearly defined specialty.
- Resentment – Many therapists can get worn down by giving too many heavily discounted massages with too little to no return. This can make some therapists resentful of their clients and stressed about money.
- Control – Sometimes deal sites will oversell coupons, or they sell multiple coupons to the same person despite the “one per person” rule. This can allow you to easily lose control over the campaign.
Am I saying Groupon is a bad thing? Not necessarily!
Groupon is a tool, and just like any other tool, it can be effective when used strategically.
Nicki wrote an AMAZING post in my free Facebook group for massage therapists that explains exactly how you can incorporate Groupon into your practice.
Click HERE to join the group and read the full post.
As always, I believe in you!